Federal Research Centre The Southern Scientific Centre of The Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS) brings together researchers from the different cities of the Southern Federal District for the joint solution of fundamental tasks that have priority for the international community and the development of the Russian state - its defense, political stability and socio-economic progress. In collaboration with other academic centers operating in the South of Russia, SSC RAS plays an important role in the coordination of research activities.
Department of arid zones of SSC RAS carries out biological research both in the Southern Federal District and beyond. The main areas of work of the department are:
• • Structural and functional organization and dynamics of lowland biocenoses of the South of Russia in the conditions of climatic changes and anthropogenic impact;
• • Biological diversity, ecological connections of terrestrial biota in natural and transformed lowland landscapes;
• • Study of the processes of natural and anthropogenic transformation of the animal population, soil and vegetation cover of steppe, dry-steppe and semi-desert biocenoses of lowland landscapes;
• • Systematics, phylogeny and geography of animals, plants and fungi of lowland and mountainous landscapes of the southern European part of Russia;
• • Development and application of modern information technologies and mathematical modeling methods in fundamental studies of the impact of climate and anthropogenic activities on marine and terrestrial ecosystems;
• • "Archeology" of primary oceanographic information, creation of databases;
• • Development of methods for short-term forecasting of natural hazards in the Azov Sea basin;
• • Preservation of the natural resource potential of ecologically vulnerable areas of the South of Russia in the face of climatic and man-made challenges;
and other things.
Metadata last updated on 2025-02-01 22:01:53.0