Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) is the largest herbarium in South East Asia and houses nearly 1 million specimens of vascular plants, ferns, fungi, mosses, lichens, and macroalga. These specimens are mostly collected from the islands of Indonesia since the colonial period. Additionally, many world botanists collections, including CL Blume, JK Hasskarl, JE Teysmann, SH Koorders, CA Backer, AGO Penzig, KB Boedijn, AJGH Kostermans, JJ Smith, and RE Holttum are kept in the Herbarium Bogoriense. As a part of our commitment, Herbarium Bogoriense would like to start providing online access to its specimen data in order to make the data more broadly available to the scientific community, policymakers, and the public. Nowadays, the BO is under the responsibility of the Directorate of Scientific Collections, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN).
Metadata last updated on 2025-02-01 22:01:52.0