The Orlovskoye Polesie National Park is located in the north-west of the Orlovskiy region. It was created in 1994 with the aim of preserving the unique community of the South Russian taiga and occupies 77,745 hectares. Coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests, interspersed with areas of forest-steppe vegetation, give the landscapes a unique originality.
940 species of plants and 285 species of vertebrates have been registered on the territory of the National Park, of which 23 species of plants and 89 species of animals are listed in the Red Books of different levels.
One of the main activities of the National Park, which has been conducted since 1996, is the formation of a stable free population of bison (Latin Bison bonasus) within the framework of the Bison Conservation Program in Russia.
Another rare species that lives in the reservoirs of Polesie is the Russian muskrat (Latin Desmana moschata). Since 1997, work has been underway to restore and monitor it.
Metadata last updated on 2025-02-01 22:01:47.0