The Natural History Museum of South Tyrol, founded in 1998, is a public museum and the only natural history museum in the northernmost province of Italy. It covers the fields of earth sciences, botany, zoology, museology and museum didactics. The geographic focus of the collecting activity is South Tyrol and the Alpine region. Collecting activities and research are primarily aimed at recording the natural inventory of South Tyrol (Province of Bolzano) and thus expanding knowledge and understanding of local nature.
The museum's collection currently comprises about 380,000 specimens. The most prominent part, i.e. three quarters, are butterflies, vascular plants and beetles. The collection of vascular plants (Herbarium BOZ) comprises about 140,000 specimens, of which about 80,000 are historical (collected before 1950). With the Rupert Huter collection (owner: Vinzentinum Brixen), which was taken over as a permanent loan, an internationally very important collection came into the house.
Since its foundation, the museum has had a database in which all specimen-specific data are stored as well as data from the ongoing recording of flora and fauna, a total of 1.4 million distribution data.
Metadata last updated on 2025-02-01 22:01:33.0