INEDES is a research institute concerned with promoting both theoretical developments and applications and innovations of the knowledge it produces. In many cases, the recipients of this last aspect are government management entities at different levels and involved in the themes developed by the Institute. INEDES was created by unanimous decision of the Honorable Superior Council of the National University of Luján on June 5, 2008. It currently encompasses 15 Research Programs in which around 100 people work, including University professors and researchers, Ph.D. students, and undergrad students, and technical support staff. On July 18, 2015, an agreement was signed with CONICET that turned INEDES into a double dependency unit (UNLu-CONICET). Currently, the agreement is being negotiated for INEDES to be recognized as a center associated with the Scientific Research Commission of the province of Buenos Aires (CIC).
The objectives of INEDES are to develop:
-Scientific research aimed at the protection, conservation, management and management of natural aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
-Research and development of sustainable agricultural and industrial production technologies.
-Research, promotion and generation of alternative energy sources: solar, wind, biomass and biogas.
-The design and modeling of future scenarios produced by global climate change, which will impact the productive systems and the natural biological controls of the pampas.
-Knowledge both for the scientific and technological fields, as well as for public officials who manage natural resources.
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The 15 INEDES research groups focus their research on different ecological and environmental aspects of interest to the region of influence of the Institute and the National University of Luján. Among the aspects addressed are the use of renewable energy, pest control, the development of sustainable agriculture, the proper management of ecosystems, human health, environmental law and conservation genetics using molecular biology tools.
Metadata last updated on 2025-02-01 22:00:56.0