Created in 2011, the RIEM association is a participatory marine science network. Its goal is to collect scientifically exploitable data with the aim of preserving marine biodiversity.
All the proposed missions meet scientific needs within the framework of programs linked to climate change and anthropogenic pressure.
200 volunteers work either at sea or on the coast. 45 members
At sea: Observation and monitoring of marine biodiversity. Creation of the Marine Ecological Observatory of the Gulf of Morbihan
On the coast: Monitoring of the Morbihan coastline as part of the Citizen Observatory of the Morbihan Coast, of which the association is a founding member.
3500 measurements and observations and 3000 photos per year in open source, available on our site
Co-pilot of the Zero Wild Waste Platform in Brittany
Coordinator of the development of the BAM Network (“intelligent” Tide Trays) in Brittany.
All the missions are accompanied by awareness-raising and education operations on the protection of biodiversity (Animation Aires Marines Educatives)
Metadata last updated on 2025-02-01 22:00:56.0