In 2001, the proposal for establishing the Biodiversity Research Center (BRC), Academia Sinica was approved in the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan. On January 1st of 2004, the Biodiversity Research Center was formally established at Academia Sinica.
BRC has its own high-throughput genomics core, which operates all major sequencing platforms, including Illumina HiSeq2500 and MiSeq, PacBio Sequel, and Oxford Nanopore GridION. BRC hosts its own Biodiversity Ph.D. program within the Taiwan International Graduate Program of Academia Sinica, which regularly attracts Ph.D. students from around the world.
In addition to excellence in scientific research, BRC contributes academic services globally having established the Thematic Center in Systematics and Biodiversity Informatics and the Thematic Center in Marine Sciences, which oversees the Green Island Marine Research Station. BRC runs an SCI journal Zoological Studies, a place for international scholars to publish high quality open-access papers free of page charges. BRC houses the Biodiversity Research Museum which houses more than a hundred thousand research specimens including plants, fishes, birds, and invertebrates.
The mission of the BRC is to:
1) Promote basic biodiversity research.
2) Assess, study, and sustainably develop biodiversity in Taiwan.
3) Integrate biological, biotechnological, ecological, and socio-economical disciplines in pursuit of academic excellence and innovation.
4) Promote biodiversity and sustainable public education.
Metadata last updated on 2025-02-01 22:00:32.0