UID: dp850
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Not provided
Public descriptionThe A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI) is the foremost institution in West Africa dedicated to ornithological training and capacity building in conservation biology. With over two decades of operation, the Institute has been involved in collecting biodiversity data for monitoring and research purposes. APLORI is the host institution for the Nigerian Bird Atlas Project (NiBAP, a member of the African Bird Atlas Project). For more information visit:
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI), P.O. Box 13404, Laminga, Jos-East LGA, Plateau State, 930001, Nigeria. Jos Plateau State 13404 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | 9.876440° | |
Longitude | 8.975880° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | +2348036079957 |
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GBIF registry key: 6419723e-4da4-46b2-9738-2fef69fae76a
GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): NGA
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