UID: dp653
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Public descriptionThe Kreen Foundation was founded in 2018 to help protect Patagonian biodiversity in the Aysén region, safeguarding the area’s natural and cultural heritage. Our conservation goals are aimed at contributing to the conservation of the Cuervo River basin through the preservation of its ecosystem functions, in order to help improve the lives of the population inhabiting the region.
The Meullín-Puye Nature Sanctuary is a biodiversity reserve located in the Cuervo River basin, in the Aysén Region. With an untouched water network fed by glaciers that flow into the fjords, it contains numerous pristine wetlands and a large temperate rainforest that hosts native species of flora, fauna, and funga of great ecological value.
This new conservation area acts as a natural laboratory, enabling research and outreach activities associated with natural and earth sciences, as well as strengthening relationships and collaboration with the local community. In order to accomplish and monitor our conservation values, constant and standardized data collection from all the pristine ecosystems present in the Meullín-Puye Sanctuary is necessary. The public availability of this information to promote investigation and knowledge of the Patagonian territory is of the utmost importance to us.
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
José Miguel Carrera 257 Coyhaique Región de Aysén 5951404 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | -45.144350° | |
Longitude | -72.947530° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | +56223727660 |
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