UID: dp420
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Public descriptionThe City of Port Adelaide Enfield was established on 26 March 1996, following the amalgamation of the former Cities of Port Adelaide and Enfield. Under Section 6 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council is established to provide for the government and management of its area at the local level.
The City is located in the north-western suburbs of Adelaide, about eight kilometres from the CBD. It is bounded by the Cities of Salisbury in the north, Tea Tree Gully and Campbelltown in the east, Walkerville, Prospect and Charles Sturt in the South and the Gulf of St Vincent in the west.
The Council is one of the largest Councils in metropolitan Adelaide with its boundary extending from the River Torrens to Outer Harbor covering an area of about 97 square kilometres.
The City offers some of the State's finest historical buildings and landmarks, together with a wealth of parks, cultural facilities beaches and recreational areas.
The Council is divided into seven wards that span across 51 suburbs.
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