UID: dp364
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Public descriptionThe San Vicente de Curamawida Native Forest Reserve covers 74.7 hectares in the eastern sector of the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range. It is a property with high degradation due to the exploitation of the native forest and intensive use of the soil with monocultures of cereals and forestry between 1880 and 2018. It also has high biodiversity in its three streams with native renovating forest and pellines of roble, litre, peumo, pitra , among others. They inhabit endemic species such as Scytalopus fuscus, Libertia Sessiflora, Arachnitis uniflora, 4 varieties of orchid, among others. An Environmental Training Center is operating with the Reserve, aimed at the protection, study and propagation of the native and endemic species of the Curamawida mountain in Los Sauces. Environmental education and training actions are carried out with students, teachers and interested people.
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
Sector San Vicente Km 13 Hijuela San Antonio Los Sauces Malleco 4760198 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | -37.969390° | |
Longitude | -72.887060° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | +56964723900 |
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