UID: dp37
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Public descriptionWith over 50 years of history rooted in South America, our company specializes in producing and managing renewable forestry resources. Our core business areas include pulp, wood, panels, and energy, ensuring the comprehensive use of forestry resources. We manage 1.7 million hectares of forest properties across Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, applying sustainable forest management practices with a landscape approach. We dedicate 29% (508,738 hectares) of our land to the protection and conservation of native ecosystems, contributing to three of South America's biodiversity conservation hotspots. Our sustainability efforts include restoring over 20,000 hectares of native ecosystems and maintaining 135,000 hectares of High Conservation Value Areas, constantly improving and expanding them. We actively measure our natural capital and have achieved carbon neutrality, with a steadfast goal of becoming Nature Positive. Our sustainable forest management has yielded valuable biological data on species, ecosystems, and natural processes over the decades. By providing this biodiversity information as open-access data, we uphold our company’s purpose: From nature and renewables, we contribute to people and the planet.
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
Av. El Golf 150, Piso 14, Las Condes. Santiago Casilla 880, Santiago |
Postal | ||
Latitude | -36.912010° | |
Longitude | -73.153060° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | +56 9 6844 1601 |
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GBIF registry key: 403849cf-33b7-492e-8b36-11a5a714db69
GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): CHL
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