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GBIF Registration Updated

Fundacion ProYungas


UID: dp111

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Last change: not available on 2025-02-01 22:00:29.0

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Public description

ProYungas Foundation is an NGO that works for environmental conservation and sustainable development, promoting territorial planning processes at different scales, actively linking production with the preservation of nature. Created in 1999, it carries out its activities in the South American subtropics, mainly in the Great North of Argentina, a region that encompasses the greatest environmental, cultural and productive diversity in the country.

ProYungas links various territorial actors so that, from their different areas and interests, they actively get involved in the sustainable management of the territories they share. Its purpose is to influence public and private policies related to the sustainable development of areas of high environmental value, in a context of social equity. To do this, ProYungas relies on the best available technical information, its own or from third parties. In this sense, it works with state agencies, different NGOs, technical and academic institutions, companies and communities.


The mission of the ProYungas Foundation is to promote the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable development of the South American subtropics, to preserve its environmental, productive and social values ​​from a territorial, integrative and multi-sectoral perspective.


At ProYungas we believe in a future for the South American subtropics that is socially and environmentally equitable. We are convinced of the importance of the relationship between Society – Environment – ​​Production, an indispensable link and driving force for the sustainable development of the region.

Technical description

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Perú 1180 (4107) .
Yerba Buena
Tucumán 4107
Latitude -26.806610°
Longitude -65.303240°
Phone 54-381-4253728

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External Identifiers

GBIF synchronisation

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GBIF registry key: 50eb9888-55d0-4c51-b4ce-8593600897d0

GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): ARG

GBIF Link: View details on

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