UID: dp1013
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Public descriptionAdani Green Energy Limited (AGEL) is one of the largest renewable companies in India, with a current project portfolio of 13,990 MW. AGEL is part of the Adani Group’s promise to provide a better, cleaner and greener future for India. Driven by the Group’s philosophy of ‘Growth with Goodness’, the Company develops, builds, owns, operates and maintains utility-scale grid-connected solar and wind farm projects. The electricity generated is supplied to central and state government entities and government-backed corporations. Adani Green Energy Limited has a biodiversity policy and would disseminate biodiversity data for creating awareness and building a global database.
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
Adani Corporate House, Shantigram, SG Highway Ahmedabad Gujarat 382421 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | ||
Longitude | ||
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | +917925557289 |
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GBIF registry key: bc4da2dc-7950-4859-81fc-f11efcf7aa57
GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): IND
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