UID: dp898
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Public descriptionThe Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board works with community, industry, and government agencies to ensure a sustainable approach to the management, protection and restoration of our soil, water, native plants and animals.
There are nine landscape management regions in South Australia, governed by eight landscape boards and a metropolitan board.
Landscape boards consist of seven members, including a chair. All members have been appointed by the Minister, but from 2022 three members will be elected by the community.
The boards work alongside community members and stakeholders to develop simple and accessible five-year regional landscape plans with five priorities. The plans aims to ensure that there is a balance between the needs of regional communities and the sustainable management of the environment.
Other key functions include development of water allocation plans for prescribed water resources, where applicable, and operating as the relevant authority for a range of water, land protection and animal and plant control activities.
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ContributionNot provided
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