UID: dp851
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Public descriptionThe Utrish State Nature Reserve is located in Abrau Peninsula of the northwestern part of the Black Sea and includes foothills of the northwestern Caucasus. The nature reserve was established on September 2, 2010 to protect typical eastern Mediterranean landscapes in the Caucasus. It is situated in Anapa and Novorossiysk districts of Krasnodar Territory, Russia. Its territory is mainly mountainous, with the Navagirski Ridge reaching over 550 m above sea level. The vegetation is represented by two types, xerophytic sub-Mediterranean communities and mesophytic broadleaf forests. Sub-Mediterranean plant communities include Pistacia-Juniperus forests and woodlands, as well as Carpinus orientalis-Quercus pubescens forests, often with various participation of junipers. Mesophytic forests consist of pure stands of Quercus petraea or forests with different combinations of broadleaf species: Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia begoniifolia, Acer campestre, A. cappadocicum, Carpinus betulus, C. orientalis and Fagus orientalis. Small sites of steppe-meadow communities are located at the uppermost part of mountain ridges.Over 2,400 biological species have been identified in the nature reserve, including approximately 1,000 vascular plants, 340 lichens, over 450 invertebrates, and 374 vertebrates. About 200 species occurring in the nature reserve are legally protected at the regional level.
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ContributionNot provided
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Address |
Severnaya str., 41v Anapa Krasnodarskii Krai 353445 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | ||
Longitude | ||
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | +7 86133 30319 |
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