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Tajik National University


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1947 - Tajik State University (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 03/21/1947, No. 643).

1997 - Tajik State National University named after V.I. Lenin (TSNU) (Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated February 15, 1997, No. 669).

2008 - Tajik National University (TNU) (Decree of the President of the Republic Tajikistan

A major role in the development of culture, education and science in the republic was played by the Tajik State University, which was formed by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated March 21, 1947 No. 643, and began to function on September 1, 1948. Classes at the Tajik State University began on September 1, 1948 in the building of the Dushanbe State Pedagogical Institute. Shevchenko. In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was planned to open four faculties of geological and soil, biological, historical and philological and physical and mathematical, but the physical and mathematical one was opened only in 1949. In the first year of the functioning of the university, 240 students were admitted to its three faculties. 17 full-time teachers and 19 part-time teachers, including 2 professors and 8 associate professors, worked within the walls of the university. One lecturer had a Ph.D. degree, and four Ph.D.

The first rector of the university was a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, and later academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, doctor of historical sciences, professor Z.Sh. Radjabov, who made a great contribution to the formation of this educational institution, Later, the university was headed by professors S.A. Radjabov, P.B. Babadzhanov, T.N. Nazarov, I.D. Davlatov, F.T. Takhirov, Kh.M. Safarov, Kh.S. Safiev, S. Odinaev, N.S. Saidov, Kh.A. Odinaev, M.S. Imomzoda. Currently, the rector of the university is Doctor of Economics, Professor K.Kh. Khushvakhtzoda.

On February 15, 1997, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (No. 669), in order to increase the efficiency of higher education and streamline the structure of higher education in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Tajik State University was granted the status of an autonomous, self-governing higher educational institution, and it became known as the Tajik State National University (TSNU), which is of great historical importance.

Today, with a sense of pride and deep gratitude, the TNU team names the names of its first leaders and teachers who devoted a lot of effort and energy to its creation and development: professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan - Z.Sh. Radjabov, professors - H.K. Karimov, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan - A.M. Bogoutdinov, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan - B.N. Niyazmukhamedov, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan SM. Yusupova, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan - S.Sh. Tabarov, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan - M.N. Narzikulov, professor - D.T. Tajiev, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan - S.A. Radjabov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, M.N. Nazarshoev, professor I.K. Lopatin, Professor Sh. Huseynzade, Professor M.A. Subkhonkulov, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan A.A. Adkhamov, associate professor - I.A. Filippovskaya, Associate Professor F.G. Tviretnev, professor B.N. Narzullaev, Professor V.I. Koretsky, professor - A.G. Slominsky and many others.

Since its inception, TNU has trained highly qualified specialists for the needs of the national economy, improved its structure and deepened scientific research. The university contributed to the creation and development of such higher educational institutions of the republic as the Tajik Institute of Russian Language and Literature and the Tajik Technological Institute. It provides assistance to other universities of the republic in the field of information support.

The Faculty of Biology was founded on a par with the establishment of the University in 1948. Its faculty and staff have played a huge role in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in various fields of biological science.

In the first year of the establishment of the faculty for education, students were simultaneously admitted to two courses (first and second). Therefore, the first pupils of the Faculty of Biology graduated from the University in 1952, among whom I would like to mention such outstanding people as Doctor of Biology, Professor L.I. Ismoilova (holder of diploma No. 1 of the University) and A.M. Glazunov.

The Department of Botany is the same age as the Tajik State University. It was opened in 1948. From the first days, wonderful, sensitive, kind teachers, serious scientific researchers worked at the department. All employees of the department worked fruitfully, devoted all their talent as a teacher and scientist to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of botany. Graduates of the department have successfully worked and are working in all corners of our beautiful republic and far beyond its borders.

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Rudaki Avenue No. 17
Tajikistan 734025
Phone +992-987-84-02-02

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