Banner – Plateforme Régionale des Collections des Herbiers d’Afrique de l'Ouest et d'Afrique Centrale

University of Lynchburg


UID: dp436

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Last change: not available on 2025-02-01 22:01:05.0

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Public description

The Ramsey-Freer Herbarium (LYN, as designated by Index Herbariorum) is housed in the A. Boyd Claytor III Education and Research Center at the University of Lynchburg’s Claytor Nature Center.

The herbarium’s collection of dried, pressed plants are mounted on special paper and cataloged by their family. The specimens are housed in special metal cabinets and protected from insects.

The herbarium stores a vast amount of botanical data on the flora of Virginia, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, the James River Face Wilderness, the Thunder Ridge Wilderness, the James River watershed, the Peaks of Otter, the Falling River, Percival’s Island, and the Claytor Nature Center, as well as rare, threatened, and endangered species. The specimens are used for teaching and research.

Thousands of these specimens are irreplaceable and are the voucher specimens for county and state records. Some also serve as the basis for many publications. The Ramsey-Freer Herbarium is the major repository for the Blue Ridge Parkway (National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior) with over 4,500 sheets.

Technical description

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Representative image


Claytor Nature Center - 1501 Lakeside Drive
Virginia 24501
Latitude 37.388740°
Longitude -79.537730°

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External Identifiers

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GBIF registry key: 1425499d-599c-4140-9d02-3276de4d5db2

GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): USA

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Footer – Plateforme Régionale des Collections des Herbiers d’Afrique de l'Ouest et d'Afrique Centrale