UID: dp218
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Public descriptionFaculty of Agriculture is dedicated to the education of highly qualified experts, development, and broadening of professional knowledge in the field of agriculture and related sciences. Applying the highest academic standards we enable students to acquire competencies based on the newest scientific knowledge, for the benefit of the society.
In addition to teaching at all three levels of university studies, scientific research is a fundamental activity taken in pursuit of our mission - improvement in the Croatian agricultural sector. The University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (FAZ) holds a leading position in Croatian agricultural science by the number of scientists, scientific projects, and publications.
The scientific research activities are carried out by the Faculty departments, at their laboratories and experiment stations, as well as in sites off the Faculty compound boundaries used for this purpose. Scientific research is frequently done in collaboration with other scientists and institutions both in Croatia and abroad. Regarding the biodiversity data, within the Faculty, the herbarium ZAGR operates, established in 2013 with over 10,000 herbarium specimens of vascular plants. The Faculty is home to the Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants with over 2000 accessions.
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
Svetošimunska cesta 25 Zagreb 10000 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | 45.826300° | |
Longitude | 16.029910° | |
State/Territory/County | ||
Phone |
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