UID: dp140
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Public descriptionThe "Association Nationale des Producteurs de Noisettes" (ANPN) is a non-profit organization (under the French law of 1901), which is at the origin of the organization of the French hazelnut industry. Founded in 1971, ANPN is supported by over 350 growrs representing 98% of national hazelnut production. The ANPN is mandated by its growers to set up and carry out all the research needed to solve the industry's problems. It plays a key role in promoting the hazelnut industry in France and abroad. In today's context of reduced use of phytopharmaceutical products and rational management of water resources, ANPN's main objectives are to:
Optimization of walnut and hazelnut growing itineraries and training of member growers,
The rational protection of orchards and the development of IPM (biocontrol) solutions aginst pests
Creation and management of water resources,
Evaluation and selection of new hazelnut and walnut varieties
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
lieu dit de Louberie Cancon 47290 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | ||
Longitude | ||
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | 05 53 01 67 70 |
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