Banner – Plateforme Régionale des Collections des Herbiers d’Afrique de l'Ouest et d'Afrique Centrale

Black Sea Biosphere Reserve of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


UID: dp105

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Public description

The Black Sea Biosphere Reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a specialized nature conservation and research institution. It is located in the south of Ukraine within the coastal zones of Kherson and partially Mykolaiv regions. The total area of the reserve is 109,254.8 hectares. The Black Sea Biosphere Reserve is one of the oldest reserves in Ukraine. Most areas within its boundaries have been protected since 1927, and monitoring studies of these areas under the Chronicle of Nature programme have been conducted since 1953. In 1985, the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve was included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, as evidenced by a UNESCO certificate dated February 15, 1985. The main areas of scientific research in the Reserve are: 1) continuous study of dynamic processes occurring in the Reserve's ecosystems; 2) study of the transformation of the Reserve's ecosystems under the influence of economic activity in the adjacent territories; 3) continuous improvement of measures for the conservation of the Reserve's ecosystems; 4) continuous enhancement of the monitoring system for the state of the Reserve's ecosystems and adjacent territories.

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Lermontova str., 1
Gola Prystan

Latitude 46.303760°
Longitude 31.839290°

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GBIF registry key: 5fb77211-f225-4c9d-89a0-df5998459513

GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): UKR

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