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Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network


UID: dp1001

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Last change: not available on 2025-02-01 22:03:11.0

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Public description

Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network (UkrBIN) is a web project and application documenting biodiversity. It has improved the way to share and access information on the occurrence of species. Launched in cooperation with the Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences, UkrBIN provides rich sources of data for basic information on the abundance and occurrence of species in various spatial and temporal scales.UkrBIN's goal is to maximize the efficiency and availability of a huge amount of observations each year for amateurs and professional biologists. It accumulates a huge amount of information resources on biodiversity. For example, only in May 2017, participants reported more than 16.5 thousand observations in Ukraine! Besides the field observations, a significant part of records is derived from the text mining of scientific publications and from the natural history museums.Observations of each participant are added to those performed by others in the UkrBIN international network of users. UkrBIN shares these observations with the global community of users, e.g. lecturers, land surveyors, environmentalists and nature guards. Subsequently, this data will form the basis for a better understanding of the distribution of biota throughout Ukraine and beyond.Along with occurrences data, the network provides images of species. UkrBIN community facilitates crowdsourcing identification of submitted photo-observations.UkrBIN provides a searchable online database of the Animal-Plant-Fungi biological interactions known to date from around the world.

Technical description

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4 Kozelnytska Str.
Lviv 79026
Phone +380975299845

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External Identifiers

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GBIF registry key: 89c61752-4bcd-48ce-b63a-0c36793020b6

GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): UKR

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