UID: dp979
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Public descriptionThe Joseph Moore Museum collections include ornithology, mammalogy, vertebrate paleontology, herpetology, invertebrate and anthropological specimens. We began collecting tissues from modern specimen preps in 2012. Specimens are used heavily in undergraduate classes and for research projects. Ornithology: over 6,000 individual skin and skeletal specimens, nests and eggs, the scope of which extend over four continents. The collection maintains over 400 genera and 700 species from 43 countries; among them include several Passenger Pigeons, (Ectopistes migratorius), a Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja), an Ostrich (Struthio camelus) and a Whooping Crane (Grus americana). Mammalogy: 4,332 total specimens from twenty-six countries and forty-four different states. Almost two thousand of these have been collected throughout Indiana. As well, the collection contains specimens from such places as Peru, Canada, Jamaica, Panama and Austria. Of particular note is the museum’s collection of bat species from all around the world Vertebrate Paleontology: 139 specimens from 25 states and 15 countries. The Giant Beaver (Casteroides ohioensis) skeleton on display is the single most complete specimen of its species ever found. Herpetology: 1,290 specimens that includes 456 genera and 684 different species. Almost half of all the specimens are from Indiana and the surrounding area, providing a catalog of both native and invasive species. The collection also contains reptiles and amphibians from over 30 states and 19 countries. Invertebrates: over 40,000 specimens. Anthropology: over 2,000 items and has considerable teaching potential. It houses objects from many different countries including Egypt, Japan and the Americas. The JMM is not actively collecting archaeological or ethnographic materials, but maintains its current collection for educational purposes.
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Address |
801 National Road, West Richmond IN 47374 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | 39.823960° | |
Longitude | -84.911440° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | 765-983-1303 |
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