Banner – Plateforme Régionale des Collections des Herbiers d’Afrique de l'Ouest et d'Afrique Centrale

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e IML, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


UID: dp94

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Public description

The FAcultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán is a nationally and internationally recognized institution for its undergraduate and graduate programs, research institutes, faculty, and scientific production. The Faculty offers undergraduate programs, graduate programs, and a technical degree.

The postgraduate offerings within the Academic Unit include three personalized doctorates (Archaeology, currently in the categorization process, Biological Sciences “A,” and Geology “A”) and two master's degrees: Environmental Management “B” (structured) and Entomology “A” (semi-structured). Additionally, two new programs are in the process of accreditation: the Master's in Museology (Fac. Arts and Fac. Natural Sciences and IML – UNT) and the Doctorate in Natural Risks and Field Geological Studies (Fac. Natural Sciences and IML – UNT and Fac. Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of Potsdam, Germany).

The institution has the capacity to carry out the three primary university functions: teaching, research, and community collaboration. The Faculty has several institutes primarily focused on research: the Institute of Archaeology, the Higher Institute of Entomology "Dr. Abraham Willink" (INSUE), the Regional Ecology Laboratory (IER), the Limnology Institute of Northwest Argentina (ILINOA), the Higher Institute of Geological Correlation (INSUGEO), the Institute of Stratigraphy and Global Sedimentary Geology (IESGLO), the Institute of Geoscience and Environment (INGEMA), the Center for Environmental Chemistry Research (CIQAm), the Banding Center (CENA), the Center for Epistemological Studies in Natural Sciences (CEEN), and the Neotropical Biodiversity Institute (IBN).

In community collaboration, continuous activities to connect with the community, transfer activities, and third-party services are carried out. Additionally, there are links with other national and foreign university institutions. The Faculty has three dependencies that allow a strong connection with the study of nature, dissemination, and community transfer. These are: the Horco Molle Experimental Reserve, the Horco Molle Botanical Garden (Yerba Buena), and the Archaeology Museum (San Martin 1545).

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Miguel Lillo 205
San Miguel de Tucumán
Tucumán 4000
Phone 03814433689

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GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): ARG

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