UID: dp902
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Public description- PEC is working with Energy Majors and Traders to establish a world-scale investment in Malaysia, focused on converting low sulfur condensates into aromatics, destined to feed the synthetic fiber industries of Asia and China. - USD 3.8 Bn of foreign investment will be deployed to establish a 150,000 bpd condensate splitter and aromatic project a specifically designated Industrial and Petrochemical zone in Johor state, adjacent to Singapore.- Technology is the latest generation from UOP which is environmentally several steps ahead of existing plants and the PEC plant offers greater built-in flexibility than others coming on stream.This investment will bring USD 5Bn annual export to the Malaysian economy and creating at least 250 new full-time jobs in Johor, apart from creating 7000 constructions jobs during its building phase of 3.5 years.- PEC is the Aromatic Plant of the future, more efficient than previous plants, more cost, and space-effective, socially and environmentally optimally located, and with a clear vision to integrate into future fuel enhancement strategies.
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Address |
3 Anson Road, #21-01 Singapore Springleaf Tower 079909 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | 1.377690° | |
Longitude | 104.133910° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | 93503154 |
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