UID: dp845
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Last change: not available on 2025-02-01 22:02:35.0
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Not provided
Public descriptionWe are a regional information center on plant diversity. The Azuay Herbarium has around 14000 collections of approximately 3000 species of plants of the flora of south of Ecuador, belonging to 250 systematically arranged plant families; all the information has been systematized in a database linked to a Geographic Information System. Our herbarium is listed in the Index Herbariorum of the New York Botanical Garden, which is the world's official catalog of herbaria, with the acronym HA.
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
Avenida 24 de mayo 7-77 Cuenca Azuay |
Postal | ||
Latitude | -2.929870° | |
Longitude | -79.321290° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone |
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GBIF registry key: 5184e024-2899-4635-884b-c9d769e72cdd
GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): ECU
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