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Wildlife Conservation Society - Guatemala Program (WCS Guatemala)


UID: dp437

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Public description

WCS have a permanent office in Flores in Northern Guatemala because the Maya Biosphere Reserve is one of our long-term conservation sites. We began working in the country in the late 1980s, supporting wildlife research in Petén in 1988, two years before the establishment of the MBR. This work was followed by studies focused in landscape species as jaguars, tapirs, scarlet macaws and white-lipped peccaries and prey species.

For more than two decades, WCS has been leading efforts to save the Maya Biosphere Reserve’s scarlet macaw population from extirpation through a complex mix of strategic activities as habitat and nest protection, monitoring fledgling rates at key nesting sites and raising awareness through environmental education involving local communities. Currently, we are working to accelerate the pace of recovery of the wild scarlet macaw population through chicks management.

Since early years, WCS has partnered with multiple local organizations and the Guatemalan government to integrate conservation and development within the reserve and to improve local governance of natural and cultural resources. To this day, WCS remains committed to building the necessary local capacity for the long-term viability and ecosystem health of the reserve.

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Avenida 15 de Marzo, casa No. 3.
Petén 17001
Latitude 17.312100°
Longitude -89.966840°
Phone (502) 7867-5152

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GBIF registry key: 2538e1c8-ae3c-4812-b6aa-ca9aa53ba277

GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): GTM

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