UID: dp418
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Public descriptionWho we are
The Environment and Heritage Group is part of the Department of Planning and Environment.
Our vision is for a thriving, sustainable and resilient New South Wales.
Environment and Heritage works with communities, businesses, and governments to protect, preserve and strengthen the quality of our natural environment and heritage. We do this through active stewardship that supports a healthy New South Wales.
We are committed to creating thriving environments, communities and economies that benefit the people of New South Wales.
What we do
Environment and Heritage is responsible for delivering the state outcome 'connecting communities to resilient and sustainable energy and local environments'. We deliver this by collaborating across a range of functions including national park management; biodiversity, conservation and science; and heritage conservation.
Our structure
The Acting Environment and Heritage Coordinator-General, Atticus Fleming, is a member of the department's leadership team.
The Environment and Heritage leadership team
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Acting Deputy Secretary, National Parks and Wildlife Service: Naomi Stephens
Executive Director, Business Delivery: Andrew Nicholls
Acting Executive Director, Park Operations (Coastal): Deon Rensburg
Acting Executive Director, Park Operations (Inland): Robert Smith
Executive Director, Conservation and Aboriginal Partnerships: Trish Harrup
Biodiversity, Conservation and Science
Acting Deputy Secretary, Biodiversity, Conservation and Science: Brendan Bruce
Executive Director, Biodiversity and Conservation: Sharon Molloy
Executive Director, Biodiversity and Conservation: Michelle Dumazel
Executive Director, Science, Economics and Insights: Dr Georgina Kelly
Executive Director, Heritage NSW: Sam Kidman
Governance, Strategy and Coordination
Acting Executive Director, Governance, Strategy and Coordination: Mia Garrido
Environment and Heritage also supports a number of statutory authorities.
Biodiversity Conservation Trust
Taronga Conservation Society
Environmental Trust
Lord Howe Island Board
For more information about our structure: Group Senior Executive Structure chart (PDF 92KB)
For more information about the Department: visit Planning and Environment
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
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