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The B.Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Department of Agronomy, Biology and Ecology


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Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy is a classical higher educational establishment of European level, an educational and research facility, one of the country’s centres of education, science, culture and spirituality. The University holds the leading position among the educational institutions of the region, increases its rating in the world of science, it generates cultural-educational and social-patriotic initiatives, helps the local citizens to reveal new horizons of thinking and intellectual existence. The essence and the goal of educational process at Cherkasy National is to provide state-of-the-art education, that gives the graduates the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to start a career in scientific and professional areas, to carry out research that would make a considerable contribution into the development of science and economy and foster the development of Cherkasy region, Ukraine and the world.

An important integral part of the University activities is the scientific and research work performed with the aim of integrating the scientific, educational and production activities within the system of higher education. This work is of utmost importance and is maintained by the University through the functioning of 8 scientific-research institutes and scientific-research centres, 7 scientific-research laboratories, 4 specialized academic councils for the defence of doctoral and candidate dissertations, 15 scientific schools, the scientific library and the centre for youth innovations that work on broadening the horizons of today and envisaging the future. Traditionally, the University hosts the all-Ukrainian scientific conference for young scientists entitled «Topical Issues of Natural and Humanitarian Sciences Researched by Young Scientists» with up 650 participants representing the undergraduate and graduate students. The best students continue their education at the postgraduate courses at the University, other higher educational institutions, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as at the universities of Europe, the USA, Singapore.

The Department of Agronomy, Biology, and Ecology is a graduating department within the Educational and Scientific Institute of Natural and Agricultural Sciences of the university. It trains specialists in three fields: 091 Biology, 101 Ecology, 201 Agronomy. The department’s team is built on the principles of professionalism, dedication to their work, and a commitment to continuous improvement. The faculty actively incorporates modern teaching methodologies and technical tools, applying contemporary approaches and technologies. A strong emphasis is placed on the practical application of knowledge and the close integration of theoretical learning with real-world conditions. The practice-oriented educational process and professional internships enable students to acquire solid knowledge and quickly find employment upon graduation. The broad spectrum of scientific interests among the department’s faculty allows students to choose their own research direction and, if desired, continue their scientific work after completing their studies. We take pride in the warm, family-like relationships of trust between faculty and students that have traditionally developed within the department. We are always delighted by the high achievements of our graduates.

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81 Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18031
Latitude 49.457940°
Longitude 32.003770°

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