UID: dp229
Website URL:
Last change: not available on 2025-02-01 22:00:43.0
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Not provided
Public descriptionIEN-MESD is a Croatian GBIF node and national focal point for inventory and monitoring of biodiversity and responsible for establishing Croatian Nature Protection Information System (NPIS). NPIS is a central access point for biodiversity data in Croatia, operating under FAIR principle. IEN-MESD activities are focused towards connecting science and policy.
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
Radnička cesta 80 Zagreb |
Postal | ||
Latitude | 45.800860° | |
Longitude | 16.007090° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone |
These institutions and collections hold specimens related to the records sourced from this data provider.
Adding relationships here allows data processing to correctly attribute records down to the collection using collection codes and institution codes associated with the institution.
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GBIF registry key: 0f285de3-932e-483b-b915-b2377786ee90
GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): HRV
GBIF Link: View details on
GBIF webservices Link: View details on