UID: dp207
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Public descriptionThe Centro de Investigación de Recursos Acuáticos CIRA-UABJB, was created in June 1981, with the name of the Proyecto ORSTOM, under the agreement of the signing of the inter-institutional agreement between the L’office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer (ORSTOM) and the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), Corporación de Desarrollo del Beni (COORDEBENI) and the Universidad Técnica del Beni “Mcal. José Ballivián” (UTB), with the objective of establishing an active and effective scientific collaboration in the field of neodynamics and limnology, signed in record, Dr. Luis Fernando Valle Rector of the UMSA and ORSTOM, represented by Mr. Hubert Dubois on the one hand, Eng. Hans Dellien Barba President of COORDEBENI and General Eng. Adalid Eduardo Egüez, Rector of the UTB, today the Universidad Autónoma del Beni José Ballivián (UABJB), in which it is decided to carry out the following studies:
• Study of fish fauna and biology.
• Suggest methods for the preservation and artificial reproduction of fish: Taking advantage of the water resources of the department.
• Studies on local fishing: Study on Fish Conservation, Study on Fishermen: Desires, initiatives, livelihoods, economic situation, organization in cooperatives and credit possibilities.
One of the greatest achievements achieved by the researchers was to preserve a Scientific Collection of fish of national reference, which gave rise to what is today known as the Museo Ictícola Dr. Jorge Estivares Justiniano of the UABJB.
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Address |
Campus universitario “Hernán Melgar” Trinidad Beni None |
Postal | ||
Latitude | -14.828400° | |
Longitude | -64.897860° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | 591 71126270 |
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