Banner – Plateforme Régionale des Collections des Herbiers d’Afrique de l'Ouest et d'Afrique Centrale



UID: dp169

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Public description

CONAEGBIO is in charge of managing requests for access to biodiversity resources in Costa Rica. It coordinates with Conservation Areas, private sector, Indigenous and rural communities regarding genetic access. Also, it organizes and keeps updated a registry of requests for access to biodiversity elements, ex situ collections, and individuals or legal entities engaged in genetic manipulation, and collects and updates regulations concerning compliance with biodiversity agreements and guidelines.


1. Formulate national policies related to the conservation, sustainable use, and restoration of biodiversity, by the Convention on Biological Diversity and other relevant international agreements and treaties, as well as national interests.

2. Formulate the policies and responsibilities established in Chapters IV, V, and VI of the biodiversity law, and coordinate them with the various responsible agencies.

3. Formulate and coordinate policies for access to biodiversity elements and associated knowledge that ensure proper scientific and technical transfer and fair distribution of benefits, which, for the purposes of Title V of this law, will be referred to as general standards.

4. Develop the national biodiversity strategy and monitor its implementation.

5. Coordinate and facilitate a comprehensive dissemination process with the country's political, economic, and social sectors regarding conservation policies, ecologically sustainable use, and restoration of biodiversity.

6. Revoke resolutions of the Commission's technical office and the phytosanitary protection service regarding requests for access to biodiversity elements, ensuring all administrative procedures are exhausted.

7. Advise other executive branch bodies, autonomous institutions, and private entities to regulate actions for the ecologically sustainable use of biodiversity elements.

8. Ensure that public and private actions related to biodiversity management elements comply with the policies established by this Commission.

9. Appoint the Secretary of the Commission, who will also serve as the Executive Director of the Technical Office of this same body.

10. Propose to the Minister of Environment and Energy, with due regard for identity criteria, the country's representatives for international meetings related to biodiversity.

Technical description

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Avenida 8 y 10, Calle 27 A, Barrio Francisco Peralta, Catedral, San José. Contiguo al lado Norte de NIC Costa Rica.
San José
San Jose
Latitude 9.473190°
Longitude -84.221680°
Phone (506)22341254

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External Identifiers

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GBIF registry key: 0a5343a6-8e13-44bb-aee0-d88f712915ec

GBIF country attribute (which country to associate the publisher data with in GBIF): CRI

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Footer – Plateforme Régionale des Collections des Herbiers d’Afrique de l'Ouest et d'Afrique Centrale