UID: dp1006
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Public descriptionThe Dresden Botanic Garden holds living collections of about 10.000 wild species in its main facility but also specific plants from warm temperate areas in Saxony in its outpost "Boselgarden", alpine plants in a small area on the top of the "Fichtelberg" as well as historically important cultivars of Camellia, Hydrangea, Rhododendron and Hedera representing the Saxonian horticultural tradition in Zuschendorf castle ( Except Hedera, the collections are part of the German GeneBank for vegetatively propagated ornamentals. In addition, the garden houses the Herbarium Dresdense comprising roughly 400-500.000 specimens, mainly form central Germany ("Saxonicum") but also from all over the world (Herbarium Generale).
Technical descriptionNot provided
ContributionNot provided
KeywordsNot provided
Address |
Stübelallee 2 Dresden Saxony 01307 |
Postal | ||
Latitude | 51.043420° | |
Longitude | 13.758440° | |
State/Territory/County | || | ||
Phone | +4935146336032 |
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